If you are an old head snowboarder like me, you just might recognize the name Sean Lake. Sean, who is the co-founder of Bubs Naturals was a former pro snowboarder, a team manager at Burton Snowboards and worked for DC shoes for multiple years in marketing. Bubs was started in 2017 by Sean and TJ Ferrara. The name Bubs actually comes from the nickname of a best friend Glen 'Bub' Doherty, who was tragically killed in Benghazi, Libya in 2012. The Bubs brand commemorates the patriotism of Glen as well as his straight up passion for life and adventure.

I first heard about Bubs when I was infuluenced by veteran pro snowboarder Jeremy Jones (The Real JJ) from some posts on his instagram. Jeremy was in a significant avalanche breaking both of his legs severely. He used Bubs Collagen Protein throughout his recovery and he feels like it truly helped his body repair itself. I thought to myself, if it can help Jeremy, it can help my sorry mid-40's washed up dad bod self.

I tried another brand of collagen first and it wasn't great. It didn't really mix up into my beverages very well. It sayed clumpy no matter how much I stirred, frothed or blended. It also had a funky taste. I decided to give Bubs a go before giving up all together. I'm not gonna lie, part of why I bought Bubs, was part because of Jeremy, but also in part of who I found out had started Bubs and of course the story behind why Bubs exists in the first place. It felt good knowing I was supporting a good cause too because Bubs gives back 10% to meaningful charities.
A lot of people are going to wonder how safe is Bubs? Can you take it if you are Gluten Free, or Vegan or on some type of plan like Keto? The short answer is yes. Bubs is Keto, Paleo, Whole30, and Certified Sport approved. Bubs is also free of allergens like Gluten, Soy, Nuts, GMO's and Corn.

The first product I tried was their Collagen Peptides. The stuff blended super well and had zero weird tastes. It's hard to pin results on a product like this but I do feel like I recover from workouts and injuries a bit quicker. It's easy to use and I can trust in the company providing the product and know I am putting something good into my body.

The next thing I tried was the Hydration mix. I hit up Sean for some samples, in which he quickly sent me a care package with a lot of different samples and a rad hat for my bald head.

The hydration mix is awesome! They have lemon, coconut and orange. Lemon is by far my favorite in the trio. The flavors are light and not overpowering which is a good thing. I have typically used it while mountain biking and even when I am on the point of exhaustion, The Bubs Hydrate or Die is easy to put down.
I feel like using the Bubs hydration product keeps me hydrated far better than water alone. Bubs Hydrate or Die has a good amount of Electrolytes, Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Chloride to keep your muscles working like they should during intense exercise.

One of the samples that was sent out was the whole bean version of Bubs Brew Coffee in the Wanted flavor. Full stop, the best coffee I've tried to this day! I can't get enough of this stuff and I go through it way too fast! I have been trying to get my local grocer to carry it. No success yet, but I will make it happen!

Do yourself a favor and check out Bubs Naturals. You can shop here and use the code HAVENOD for 20% off!
I might have to give this a try